Hello Jack: It is good to hear about your recent situation.You says that you cannot get used to the life in US and don't have any friends there.Therefore,I would like to give you some advice. First and formost,you need to learn their life h...
Good to hear from you. Regarding your question, in my opinion, the school admission officers usually prefer students that are fluent in English. Second, they prefer students that are flexible and can adjust themselves quickly into the new e...
One possible version: Dear Sir/ Madam, I am a Chinese student who is going to study in London next month. I ‘m writing to ask you for finding a host family for me. Here are my requests. First, I’d like a room of my own, which is clean a...
伤心的歌 C.K 假设你是李华,明年要去英国留学,想通过一家英国留学生机构寻找寄宿家庭。请你写一封电子邮件,说明你的 One possible version: Dear Sir/ Madam, I am a Chinese student who is going...
因为每个搜索引擎的算法都不一样,所以你说的情况很正常,我的这个站也是: 假设你是李华,明年要去英国留学,想通过一家英国留学生机构寻找寄宿家庭。请你写一封电子邮件,说...
有什么信息补充吗同学?没有的话我写的这个版本应该符合你的需要。 Dear B: Hello! Haven't heard from you for so long! Is everything goes on well with you? I am Li, your Chinese friend and schoolmate who had been s...
Sunday Peter, I am very glad that my mother is coming this afternoon by air. But I have to give a lecture and have no time to meet her. I am writing to ask you to meet my mother at the airport at 3:30 for me. As you have never seen her befo...
In your letteryou mentioned that you want to know what kind of students is preferred byChinese University, I believe there would be three main points. First is your language ability. Because you will come to anew environment, everything her...
I’m glad to hear that you want to study abroad in your letter. Here is what I know about what kind of Chinese students are favored in foreign colleges and universities. As far as I know, the language ability is essential, which helps you...
Dear Peter I am extremely sorry to tell you that I am unable to go to your party this Sunday. It is very kind of you to invite me to your house and I hopefully want to celebrate your birthday with you and express my best wishes to you. Much...
My name is Lihua,I'll go to University of Birminghan.I want to find a host family to live in. I am 19 years old and I come from China.The host family for which I am looking is a place where I can live for 3 years.And I'll arrive there on 5t...
Dear Mrs Jane I'm Li Hua , a aboy of eigthteen , presently a senior student in Guangming Middle School I am 16 years old. I am writing to you so as to apply for that job . On the other hand, my spoken English is very good ,and i think Engli...
留学日本经营学:开启国际视野,探索东方商机 想要在商界有所作为,并开拓国际市场?选择留学日本进行经营学专业的深...
培养个人激情比智力更重要 从近几届的录取情况来看,美国名校越来越青睐有个性或有一技之长的学生。 麻省理工学院...
艺术留学的重要性 艺术留学是许多有艺术天赋和梦想的人追求的一种教育方式。通过艺术留学,学生可以接受到更专业的艺...
一、艺术培训班起名? 一鸣(奕铭)惊人美术培训工作室!呵呵! 二、不参加艺术培训班? 不参加也可以参加艺考的 在家...
一、不考研的人多吗? 不是很多,但会越来越多。对于很多人来说,考研只是一个保底的选择。一年的备考期间,会发生很...
一、日本浮石来源? 日本海底火山爆发,产生大量浮石,鱼腹塞满浮石,这种浮石2元一斤 植物在生长期间对于矿物元素的需...
一、法国留学一年费用? 法国留学学费相对于其他欧洲国家来说,是比较低的。其大部分高等院校都会有政府出资,公立大...
一、2021美国大学研究生申请? 一、申请要求 需要获取本科的学位,一般学校的申请要出示GPA3.0分的成绩单,即大家平时考试...
一、英国读研要求? 英国研究生主要分为研究型硕士和授课型硕士,不同类型申请也不同。 英国大学排名TOP20以前英国研究...
一、口语练习材料? 以下是一些可供口语练习的材料: 1. 日常对话:可以从简单的日常对话开始,例如“你好吗?”、“最...
一、高考适应性考试和正式高考哪个难度大? 1、高考适应性考试的试卷由于不是专业的命题人员命题,试题难度不稳定,没...
一、法国留学费用:去法国留学一年需要多少钱? 法国留学一年的费用之学费 第一年学习语言或者预科的费用,目前法国的...
感谢提问。 欢迎回来,这是家,尤其是多事之春,靠自己的能力已经不能解决问题,君子不立于危墙之下,回来就对了。 正...
1.你是打算上高中还是大学本科?高中话只需要考SAT,本科如果申请商科需要考试托福或雅思和GMAT,这是孩子必须准备的。 ...
一、卡梅基梅隆地理位置如何? 卡内基梅隆大学位于美国宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡市,交通便利,公路、铁路和水上运输发达,...
泰国留学费用详解 留学泰国是许多学生的梦想,不仅因为泰国优美的自然风光和丰富的文化,还因为相对较低的留学费用。...
1、申请时机 英国的研究生课程是每年9月底左右正式开学,提前一年就开始接受申请了。所以建议申请者在今年9月申请为...
一、法国留学条件? 申请法国留学的条件包括申请者年龄应年满18-28周岁。高中毕业生必须拥有高考成绩和国内大学录取通知...