• 英文版第1页




        The reason why I want to go Singapore is I like to learn some different culture and I can meet a lot people from all around the world, that way I can make more friends. I like the weather in Singapore also. I will go back to china, the reas...

      2021-12-13 12:38:35 164


        The Benefits of Study Abroad Personal Growth “Overall, I learned a lot more about myself in that one semester than I did in the three and a half years in my home school because of the unique space in which I learned, experienced, and spen...

      2021-09-06 01:48:02 274


        谢谢朋友邀请我回答问题! 我知道这样的一个网址,上面详细说明了填写DS 160表格的所以内容,很不错,与你分享一下: 原文发在我的个人网站 易易易(eee.com) http://www.eee.com/article-39...

      2021-07-13 22:53:30 129
      出国留学的好处 最好是英文版?

      出国留学的好处 最好是英文版?

        1) The first-class level of education一流的教育水平 2) high investment in education高投入的教育产业 3) standard English pronunciation 标准的英语发音 4) reasonable costs合理的费用 5) living in the world in terms of...

      2021-07-09 18:10:38 272
      大学生留学的利与弊 英文版

      大学生留学的利与弊 英文版

        Nowadays, there are many people continue their studies outside their country. They think that educations in other countries are better than in their own country. In my country, many students continuing their studies overseas. Australia, Sin...

      2021-06-13 19:05:24 178
      出国留学的好处 最好是英文版?

      出国留学的好处 最好是英文版?

        Abroad: 1, the family's economic capacity 2, good self-care and self-control ability 3, perseverance and perseverance With these two points, you go abroad is not a problem Like you this kind of circumstance, high school learning is not good...

      2021-05-27 06:21:56 193
      出国留学的好处 最好是英文版

      出国留学的好处 最好是英文版

        1) The first-class level of education一流的教育水平 2) high investment in education高投入的教育产业 3) standard English pronunciation 标准的英语发音 4) reasonable costs合理的费用 5) living in the world in terms of...

      2021-04-30 15:33:59 180
      Kang ta的最新资讯!

      Kang ta的最新资讯!

        去看看KANG TA哥哥的中文网站,你会有很多收获。a href=" target="_blank" /aa href=" target="_blank" /a 说是春晚要来啊?期待ing....... a h...

      2021-04-23 23:46:28 165


        高中,正值豆蔻年华,最需要了解世界的年纪,去新西兰那个美丽的地方度过当然很不错 。但是,建议你读完高中还是要回...

      2022-05-29 10:28:24 201


        英美新港大混申!比对了近20多家留学中介的多个服务!和各大中介扯了半年,walk in和线上都聊爆的全能选手来了。精挑细选...

      2023-04-14 09:27:46 195