请哪位已经拿到加拿大签证的朋友告诉我留学计划书到底写多长啊?_百 ...
以加拿大为例,在申请留学生签证时申请人必须撰写一份学习计划书(Study Plan)。在这份学习计划书中申请人需要在两页A4纸的范围内回答以下5个问题:1. Why you wish to come to Canada to study at the school and in the program for which you have been accepted; 2. What is your overall educational goal; 3. Why you are not pursuing less expensive alternatives in China (what are those alternatives? have you investigated them?); 4. What ties do you have to China that will lead you to return to China following your course of studies? 5. How will this Canadian diploma/degree increase your chances in the Chinese labour market?