• 申请美国留学遇到一个专业名词,想问问什么是

              我之前也搞不清楚那么多专业名词,好在我找到柳橙网这个网站,上面有很多留学生,你可以直接交流,也有老师免费回答问题,关于Writing Sample其实是论文性的文章,一般和所申请的方向相关,长度要求从2页到30页不等,主要是考查申请人的思维方式、研究潜力和写作能力。通常是文史类或社会科学类专业要求提交Writing Sample,比如文化研究类、教育学、社会学、政治学、传媒、经济学等。需不需要准备你要根据申请的学校要求来看。


              而有效的开头更能为 Essay加分。下面是我们为同学们总结的一些美国留学申请中Essay开头范例,如果你的文章根据内容分成几部分,你最好为每个部分写一个有效的开头,这样才能吸引招生官的眼光。 美国留学Essay写作有效开头范例1:At my age, few people can genuinely claim that they have had a life-changing experience. After attending Leadership in the Business World (LBW) at the Wharton School last summer, I became one of those fortunate people to have experienced a life-changing academic program. Four weeks of meeting business executives, working with teammates through the night perfecting our professional business plan, experiencing the independence and responsibility that will come with college . . . none of this was advertised in the brochure for LBW, but all of this is what made it uniquely meaningful to me. 美国留学Essay写作有效开头范例2:I TROD THE MUD IN THE misty spring rain. It was Qing Ming, the holiday in China when we honored our deceased ancestors. On the ground of the cemetery, drenched fowers lay in my grandfather's remembrance. That morning—a month before my sixth birthday—I clung tightly to my mother's sleeves and fnally learned why he passed away. 美国留学Essay写作有效开头范例3:HE'S IN MY ARMS, THE NEWEST addition to the family. I'm too overwhelmed. That's why I wanted you to go to Bishop Loughlin, she says, preparing baby bottles. But ma, I chose Tech because I wanted to be challenged. Well, you're going to have to deal with it, she replies, adding, Your aunt watched you when she was in high school. But ma, there are three of them. It's hard! 美国留学Essay写作有效开头范例4:Every first Thursday of each month I always look around the Van Muren Hall gymnasium looking at the sixty- and seventy-year-old men and wonder what I am doing there with them. They have lived through world-shaping events like World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War, yet I sit there and interact with them as if there were no differences at all. The reason? We simply share a similar hobby. 美国留学Essay写作有效开头范例5:Only shock prevented the tears from streaming down my face. My cells were dead. After being accepted into the competitive Stanford Institutes of Medicine Summer research Program (SIMr), and spending approximately 170 hours of the past month manipulating human embryonic stem cells (hESCs), I was back to square one—with only one month of my internship remaining. How in the world was I going to make up for lost time? 美国留学Essay写作有效开头范例6:The hindu god, brahma, seeing the plight of a society tainted by envy and greed, presents a boy with a drum that he can only hear, not see. This instrument, which is supposed to bring patience and discipline to humanity, is the foundation of Indian classical music. The boy has yet to discover that musicians use this tool to speak, allowing their minds to transmit messages through the vibrant pulsations of their notes. 以上就是给大家总结的美国大学申请Essay开头范例。Essay开头与结尾之所以显得那么困难,一部分原因是作者把它们想象的太难。申请人常常以为要在开头彻底清楚的表明全文的主旨,在结尾作出精锐的结论,文章才够精彩。但这种想法的结果往往令作者太过紧张以至于把开头和结尾写的过于夸张。你并不需要第一稿就写出一个很好的开头;往往作开头的最好的一句话就在第一稿的中间部分,只是一开始你没能够发现它而已。


              标签: 玛丽年会山东省

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