• 到美国留学日常生活的事情能介绍一点吗?随便

              1. You need to practice your English language skill. However, all the TV and movies are without Chinese subtitle. So you will have a great chance to practice and learn English.2. You need to learn to drive. Most part of United States requires driving to go to school and work. You will soon find you have a need of getting a car.3. Americans do not dress up as much as most other countries. However, Americans do care a lot about their teeth appearances. In fact, they spend a large sum of money to strength their teeth while young.4. Americans are active in sports, dancing, and hang out.5. You will not have much Chinese food and soon will tire of eating at MacDonald’s every day.6. Telephone tool calls are quite expensive here. Cell phones are expensive and do not have SIM chip transferable accounts. Typical cell phone monthly account bill is over US$40 each.7. Yes, most Americans do not think much of Chinese. Older Americans consider China is their enemy.8. Everything is so expensive here, except electronics at Costco or Target or WalMart stores.

              I dont agree with what jgw1998 said. The costs of cell phone depend on which company you choose and what kind of plan you sign. Generally, a single person just spends like 20 each month, and you can pick a free cell phone. I dont know where jgw1998 lives. But the place I live in has a few Chinese groceries where I can get a lot of diverse Chinese traditional food.


              标签: 分集剧情正常禁止

                        • 上一篇:留学生群体中有好多是富二代吗,为什么?