• 英国留学需要提交英文学习计划 急求 在线等

              firstly, i would stirve to improve my english abilty if i were admitted to your programme. i plan to increase my english proficiency in about three months, for the purpose of adapting to the rigorous study in lecturers, seminars and group projects. secondly, considering my specialty in accounting, i expect to look up the literatures in the university library, list the things that puzzle me and ask for the advice from my tutor. last but not least, i will work really hard to obtain high scores in the core modules and seize every opportunity to take internship or join in work replacement if the relevant projects are provided. upon graduation, i will come back to my home country and start a career in a mature accounting firm to accumulate hands-on experience.


              标签: 中专生一辈子工薪

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