• 南京的出国留学咨询机构哪些比较好

                M3(Magic Three or Magnificent Three) is a group of prestigious American EducationConsulting Firms in Shanghai, which represent the highest level of theprofessional American Education Consulting as well as the American admissionresearch in this sector。
                 These following three firms have been constantlydominating various ranking league tables of American Education and AdmissionsConsulting Institutes in Shanghai:CIIC 中智留学MEIQIN美勤留学CEDCA 学美留学T3 orM3 (Magic Three or Magnificent Three) is short f or "Top 3," andis a shortcut way of talking about three consulting firms in Shanghaithat have remained at the top of the American education and admissions servicerankings。
                 While individual rankings may shift slightly from year to year, these3 firms have always been ranked among the best; generally students from thesewell-respected firms have the best opportunities to be accepted intohigh-ranking American Universities。
                 These following three firms have beenconstantly dominating various ranking league tables of American Education andAdmissions Consulting Institutes in Shanghai:CIIC 中智留学MEIQIN美勤留学CEDCA 学美留学。

              金阳光中智 别的不清楚,这2家不会有大问题多走几家中介没坏处,记得要找有教育部办法的留学中介资质的


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